Absence of Worshipful Master
According to Rule 141 of the English Book of Constitutions, in the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Immediate Past Master, or if he is not available, the Senior Past Master of the Lodge, or if no Past Master of the Lodge is present, the Senior Past Master who is a subscribing member of the Lodge, shall take the chair. If none of these are present, then the Senior Warden, or if the Senior Warden is absent, the Junior Warden is to rule the Lodge, but without occupying the Master's chair. No initiation or degree conferral is allowed unless a Master or Past Master in the Craft is in the chair.
In the United States, particularly where many candidates await their degrees, it is customary for the Worshipful Master to appoint any Brother deemed competent by him to temporarily occupy the chair and perform the ritualistic work.