A Freemason who made himself notorious at Paris, in the beginning of the nineteenth century, by the manufacture and sale of false Masonic diplomas and by trading in the higher degrees, from which traffic he reaped for some time a plentiful harvest. The Supreme Council of France declared, in 1811, all his diplomas and charters void and deceptive.
He is the author of *L'Art du Tuileur, dédié à tous les Maçons des deux hémisphères* (French for *The Art of the Tiler, dedicated to all the Freemasons of the two hemispheres*), a small volume of 20 pages, octavo, printed at Paris in 1804. He also published from 1800 to 1808 a periodical entitled *Le Miroir de la vérité, dédié à tous les Maçons* (French for *The Mirror of Truth, dedicated to all the Freemasons*), 3 volumes, octavo. This contains many interesting details concerning the history of Freemasonry in France.
In 1811, there was published at Paris a *Circulaire du Conseil Supréme du 33e degré, etc., relative à la vente, par le Sieur Abraham de grades et cahiers Maçonniques* (French for *A Circular from the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree, etc., relative to the sale by Mr. Abraham of Masonic information in books and grades*). This announcement, in octavo, sixteen pages, shows that Abraham was nothing else but a Masonic fraud.